

CBD for Inflammation

Inflammation plays a huge role in Cardiovascular Disease.

About 610,000 Americans die of heart disease annually. That makes up 25% of all deaths and heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.
One of the biggest reasons people with chronic pain flock to CBD is its anti-inflammatory benefits. Inflammation is your body’s reaction when something gets damaged. Muscle tears, arthritis, and many times chronic pain is because of inflammation. Inflammation occurs when the body’s white blood cells release a chemical, such as interleukin, into the blood or affected tissues to protect the body from foreign substances. Redness and warmth in the area of injury is the result of this chemical increasing blood flow. Many diseases are categorized by inflammation including allergies, asthma coeliac, hepatitis, and inflammatory bowel. Foods can lead to inflammation when consumed in excessive amounts, such as: artificial trans-fat, vegetable oils, processed meat, and refined carbohydrates. While inflammation can be good at times by letting you know something is wrong; it can also be extremely painful.


How CBD Works To Relieve Inflammation

CBD works by communicating with the ECS. The ECS or Endocannabinoid system, is an internal messenger. The two main receptors are called CB1 and CB2. CB1 communicates mostly with neurological functions, while the CB2 receptors deal with circulatory functions. When you take CBD, it stimulates the ECS which brings it to homeostasis, so it can properly function. This can help reduce inflammation. Testimonial after testimonial provide us with information of people describing how CBD is working for them. Lots of people stay away from anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals because of the harsh side effects and long-term physiological harm. Another great thing about CBD is it’s NOT like THC. CBD has no psychoactive properties, making it a suitable supplement to take if you want to treat your pain but remain focused.


Dosing Thoughts

Research studies have used doses from 15mg to as high as 600mg. Typical CBD supplements provide 20mg to 25mg. When taking CBD for inflammation, dosing can vary widely depending on the severity of the symptoms you are experiencing. One goal to consider is to use CBD to supplement or possibly replace pharmaceuticals you might be taking. CBD is an all-natural alternative that does not build up in your system and cannot be overdosed.


May we suggest trying one of our CUBED Hemp based CBD Tinctures. Available in 1200mg or 3600mg concentrations, mixed with our exclusive Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy or NYS-sourced sunflower seed oil. Our Graduated Sprayer makes it simple to dose properly.

It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement program. Most prescribed medications cannot and should not be stopped all at once.
It has been suggested to start with a dose of 10mg to 15mg of CBD twice a day. After a few days, you may want to reduce prescribed meds incrementally while increasing your CBD dosage the following day. Steps of 10mg are suggested to help monitor changes. Monitor your symptoms; be aware of how you feel. Don’t hurry the process. Wait 2 to 3 days between changes. This will allow you to determine the dosing that your body requires to meet your goals, while documenting how your medications interact.

Medical Disclaimer: The content of this post is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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