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CBD (Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound that comes from the hemp plant. It is one of over 85 unique compounds found in the hemp plant. These compounds are known as Cannabinoids. CDB is now offered worldwide to people of all ages and their pets. This non-psychoactive form of cannabis is legal in all 50 states.

Scientists are rapidly discovering more and more about the rather amazing abilities of the cannabinoids found in the Hemp plant. Most of them have shown therapeutic value, as have the terpenes, which give the plant its distinct odors and flavors.

We have looked at a number of studies and each research article below contains links to PubMed articles, scientific journals and other academic research on cannabidiol and various ailments. Some may discuss THC as it is abundant in Cannabis  which is the sister to the Hemp plant.  

Generally, these may be the best first sites to refer to for CBD information.

The ECHO CONNECTION is a site related to Cannabinoids with an exhaustive library of articles and information on all their therapeutic properties.

Joe Cohen has written a great article on the properties of CBD:  

 24 Science-Backed Health Benefits of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)


            Cannabidiol Pain Relief Research

Cannabidiol Pain Relief PubMed Articles

Other Cannabidiol Pain Relief Articles

 Cannabidiol Pain Relief YouTube Videos